Statement of Environmental Policy


Irregular Lines offers consumers a variety of products and services via innovative design solutions. We are committed to minimising any negative environmental consequences linked with our commercial activities, and we are primarily based in Singapore and other regions of South-East Asia.

Simply because our company's beliefs are based on sustainable practises, Irregular Lines Pte Ltd is always exploring effective modes of operation for our firm, concentrating on utilising eco-friendly products and managing resources efficiently.

To accomplish ecologically responsible goods and services for our consumers, team members, and the environment, all entities, employees, and other contributors within Irregular Lines Pte Ltd are expected to follow the Environmental Policy.

Our Primary Environmental Goals:

  1. Stakeholder Collaboration

         1.1 Provide information, effective tactics, and targeted training to improve employee and stakeholder participation in environmental activities.

         1.2 Comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and industry standards.

         1.3 Collaborate closely with stakeholders such as clients, suppliers, and regulators to provide a forum for debates and sustainable practises.

         1.4 Ensure that all vendors are committed to ethical business practises and use environmentally friendly products.

         1.5 Encourage stakeholders, such as customers, to limit their environmental impact.

         1.6 Track our progress towards minimising environmental impacts and increasing corporate productivity.


  1. Operational Effectiveness

         2.1 Review and modify methods to improve the efficiency of our operations and to reduce any environmental hazards associated with our imports, deliveries, and other activities.

         2.2 Put in place methods to make better use of energy and resources in the company's processes.

         2.3 We practise sustainability via optimal transactions, technology, and solutions.


  1. Responsible Resource Management

         3.1 Implement steps to reduce debris creation, encourage recycling, and incorporate green practices into all business activities.

         3.2 Increase and prioritise the use of repurposed and reconditioned materials, hence prolonging their lives.

         3.3 Work with suppliers who share the company's eco-friendly principles.

         3.4 Use effective awareness campaigns and appropriate information to encourage responsible resource usage among staff and clients.


  1. Constant Improvement

          4.1 Evaluate and reflect on environmental performance on a regular basis.

          4.2 Establish clear and achievable environmental objectives for continual improvement based on recent performance.

          4.3 Promote operational openness and long-term innovation within the company.

This Environmental Policy Statement established Irregular Lines Pte Ltd's commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility; we aim to improve our environmental considerations consistently and practises in every aspect of our business, aligning with our mission to provide elegance sustainably.




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